RISE membership Hero Image
About RISE

RISE membership

RISE welcomes brands, buyers, suppliers, and vendors in the apparel, footwear, and home textile industries as members. Members take concrete action to support worker well-being, dignity and resilience through capacity-strengthening programs in factories. We connect and amplify each member's activities to promote resilient futures for businesses, workers and communities throughout the supply chain.

RISE member benefits

Participate in RISE programming in factories

  • RISE Workplace Program Enrollments. Enroll factories and units in RISE programs (added costs apply) with quality assurance and oversight of implementation, local partner vetting and capacity building.
  • Events. Invitations to RISE global and regional events, online and in-person, to hear first about RISE news, insights, and research.
  • Training on Gender Equality in Supply Chains. Half-day online training and orientation session for selected management representatives of suppliers in Bangladesh, Cambodia, China, India, and Vietnam.

Collaboration opportunities

  • Opportunities for Collaborative Program Investment and cost-shares with other RISE members.
  • Invitation to RISE Working Groups. Support and develop how RISE drives change in workplaces, industry and policy.
  • Invitation to Gender Equity Network for suppliers based in Vietnam, Cambodia, Indonesia and India
  • Invitations to Participate in Grant Funded Activities such as pilot and expansion opportunities at reduced cost.

Access to credible data

  • Data Platform. Access to RISE Impact Portal to track workplace program progress and impact.
  • Annual Report and ESG Reporting Support. Access to annual report and support for company ESG reporting.
  • Open Supply Hub Map. Access to an embedded map of in which factories RISE programs are implemented.

RISE community & support

  • Support from RISE team with global and regional presence.
  • Member portal. Access to member portal and member resources.
  • Support RISE organizational development and ongoing operations.
  • Leverage Partners. Co-ordination to support RISE’s ability to raise funds from grant donors.

Recognition & visibility

  • Designation. Recognition as a RISE member on select materials, including website.
  • Visibility. Showcase membership and industry leadership through case studies on the RISE website, LinkedIn feature, newsletter mentions, panelist invitations and more.

RISE membership guiding principles

RISE requires all members to commit to RISE’s Membership Guiding Principles. RISE members commit to actively, collaboratively and consistently work towards creating improvements for all workers, paying attention to the needs of women workers and promoting greater equality in supply chains. Specifically, RISE Members commit to:

RISE’s mission and vision, a willingness to advocate in partnership for the impact model and policies underlying RISE’s mission.

Strongly encouraging suppliers and/or factories to become RISE members and participate in programming.

Showing willingness to change operating practices to further impact.

Requiring suppliers and/or factories to share transparent, complete, and timely data, including on improved business outcomes.

Committing publicly to supporting RISE with company logo and public reporting on partnership progress.

Adhering to international standards and instruments as well as national laws and regulations and respecting worker rights.

Advocating for and enabling safe workplaces.

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RISE members

Alpine Creations
Abercrombie & Fitch
Eileen Fisher
Gap Inc.
Good Guys
Hanna Andersson
Kmart & Target Australia
KnitWell Group
Marks and Spencer
New Balance Athletics, Inc.
Ralph Lauren
Tapestry, Inc.
The Warehouse
Victoria's Secret
Williams Sonoma

RISE membership dues

Brand/buyer/retailer members

net revenue* > $US 10 bn

net revenue* > $US 1 bn

net revenue* < $US 1 bn

net revenue* < $US 100 m

Supplier/vendor members

net revenue* > $US 1 bn

net revenue* > $US 500 m

net revenue* < $US 500 m

Non-Company Members


How to sign up

  • Members sign up through signing the RISE membership agreement.
  • Membership is renewable on an annual, calendar year basis.
  • Pro-rated membership is not available.
  • Reduced membership fees may apply during Q4 if combined with membership for following year.

* Net revenue is based on a group's/company's net revenue for the preceding year.

Frequently asked questions

Apparel, footwear, and home textiles. This may change over time, but for now these are the industries that RISE focuses on.

RISE programs are delivered through a growing network of local partners in Bangladesh, Cambodia, China, Egypt, Guatemala, India, Indonesia, Pakistan, and Vietnam. We are constantly evaluating where RISE programs add the most value, both from the perspective of workers as well as how production and supply chains are evolving.

RISE was founded by four organizations with more than 15 years’ experience implementing women’s empowerment programs in global supply chains.

CARE is an international humanitarian organization fighting global poverty and world hunger by working alongside women and girls. CARE is supporting RISE with technical expertise, fundraising, and partnerships, as well as collaboration activities such as the Gender Equity Network. , in-country and on a global level. In some geographies CARE is directly implementing RISE program activities.

Better Work, an International Labour Organization (ILO) and International Finance Corporation (IFC World Bank) collaboration that promotes decent work and better business in the garment industry, is supporting RISE with technical expertise, fundraising, and partnerships. Better Work’s ‘Worker Rights and Responsibilities’ training module has been integrated into the RISE Foundation Program.

HERproject was a BSR collaborative initiative active between 2007-2022, that supported low-income women working in global supply chains HERproject programs, activities and team have been fully integrated into RISE.

Gap Inc.’s P.A.C.E., a Gap Inc. program that provides women and girls in the global apparel industry foundational life skills, technical training, and support, has been fully integrated into RISE Foundations Program and Integrated Model.

Gap Inc. is also a Leaders’ Circle funder.

RISE programs are implemented by a network of local partners. Please see the section on RISE Local Partners.

The RISE Integrated Model is an implementation model where RISE helps members (brands or suppliers) build their capacity to deliver workplace trainings in their own supply chain. RISE supports through training, resources, and materials, practical implementation guidance and advise, access to a monitoring and evaluation framework and platform. Contact the RISE partnerships team for more information.

RISE and our partners support employers, buyers and workers to build workplaces where people enjoy equal opportunities at work, access to good quality jobs, shared economic value and can influence their working environment and business is thriving. This includes building the capacity of women and men workers, engaging management, connecting to local product and service providers, and strengthening operating policies and practices. We engage and partner with a range of stakeholders to influence the broader enabling environment governing markets.

RISE’s capacity building programs increase workforce resilience by changing both behavior and operating structures. Recognizing that women workers are often in the move vulnerable and low-paid forms of work, even when representing the majority of the workforce, our programs pay attention to ensuring they have the ability to participate and benefit on an equal basis. The programs expand workers’ choices and their ability and confidence to pursue their rights and opportunities. Program topics range from life skills such as communication and problem solving, general and reproductive health, financial health and security, freedom from harassment and violence, and the future of work.

See the section on How to engage.

Workplace program costs depend on program focus, geography, and size of workplace. Please contact the RISE partnerships team for more information.

Yes, you can!

RISE seeks to include workers’ voice and representation at every level, from governance to project implementation, ensuring that our work responds to their needs and priorities. The multi-stakeholder RISE Steering Board includes representatives from brands, suppliers, labor organizations and civil society organizations.