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RISE delivers scaled impact through workplace programs and by catalyzing industry transformation and influencing policy. Supporting RISE gives industry, civil society, women’s organizations, and unions the opportunity to deepen and broaden their impact.

RISE delivers scaled impact through workplace programs and by catalyzing industry transformation and influencing policy. Supporting RISE gives industry, civil society, women’s organizations, and unions the opportunity to deepen and broaden their impact.

Theory of change

Behavior change


All workers, including women, have the agency to secure opportunities and rights.

Men in global supply chains engage and take action toward gender equality.

+ Market change


Businesses in global supply chains fulfil the needs and rights of women workers.

Women’s voices and decision-making are represented in workplace and sectoral dialogues.

+ Systems change


Policies are in place within the world of work to enhance gender equality.

Social norms within the world of work reinforce equality of all genders.

= End goal

Women working in global supply chains experience their inherent dignity through agency, equality and rights.

2024 RISE in Numbers

Countries 9

Workplace programs*433

Managers participated**1,539

Peer educators participated**14,276

Workers participated*399,618

Women workers participated*: 269,804

Men workers participated*: 129,814

The above numbers relate to all workplace programs taking place in 2024.

*Combines programs delivered under both the peer educator and integrated models
**Manager and peer educator numbers are from the peer educator model

Achieving impact

Capacity strengthening

Deliver workplace programs at scale that support an empowered, productive, and respected workforce, where all genders are recognized as essential for business success.

Market transformation

Incentivize action for buyer and supplier strategies that embed and reward progress toward women's empowerment and gender equality.


Influence industry and public policy to promote gender equality informed by a collective women worker voice.

Data, evidence and learning

Increase visibility of women workers, reinforce business decisions, inform program improvements, and tell the story.

Women workers' voice and representation

Improve feedback mechanisms and accountability systems to inform and review our work.

RISE Annual Report 2024


Collaborative Action toward Gender Equality in Supply Chains

RISE Financial Health Report for Cambodia 2023


In partnership with Mastercard Center for Inclusive Growth, RISE Financial Health Program has demonstrated that responsible wage digitalization with financial capability training can lead to benefits for workers as well as business in Cambodia. Read about the program and its impact in our report here.

How RISE is Helping Achieve the UN SDGs


By providing the program for women workers to transform their lives, the playbook for businesses to embed gender equality in practice and the platform for industries and governments to improve gender policies and systems across supply chains globally, RISE contributes to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals 5 (gender equality) and 8 (decent work and economic growth). ​