
A workplace development program to increase agency and advance the rights of women workers.

A workplace development program to increase agency and advance the rights of women workers.

RISE Foundations is a workplace-based intervention that blends RISE legacy programs Gap Inc.’s P.A.C.E and BSR’s HERproject. It also includes a worker rights and responsibilities component from ILO Better Work. Foundations is a life skills development program that builds women's confidence and capability, raises awareness on various health and financial literacy topics, and increases the overall capacity of workers to excel in life.

Women in the global supply chain face many challenges when it comes to building confidence and agency in life. They lack access to knowledge and services on basic rights and health issues such as nutrition, sexual and reproductive health, maternal health, and mental health. They also need more support to better manage their finances. The Foundations program is designed to address the needs of women on these issues.