Saving for daughter’s education with digital wages Banner Image

Champi is 24 years old and married, with one daughter, aged three. She lives in Phnom Penh near the garment factory where she’s worked for seven years, currently as a cutter.

“I am paid into a bank account which I prefer to cash. [Following RISE training] I’ve learnt to use my account to pay for online shopping. Now I buy my children’s clothes online—it’s much more convenient.

“I’ve also started saving US$10 each month. I transfer it to my savings account. Before I saved in a piggy bank in my room, and once ants ate some of the notes. I lost about $25. I am saving for my daughter’s education and for emergencies. Also, for a future baby if I have another.

“In my spare time, I go to my farm which is two hours from here [the factory]. My husband looks after the farm, and we grow corn, cassava, and watermelon. I also want to invest in my farm and buy a tractor.

“I feel more confident now about my future expenses. If someone is sick then I have savings to pay the hospital bill.”