2024 Annual report: Collaborative Action toward Gender Equality in Supply Chains
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2024 Annual report: Collaborative Action toward Gender Equality in Supply Chains
In this guide for financial service providers developed by RISE and Mastercard, we share insights and recommendations to acquire new customers at scale through responsible wage digitalization; drive account usage of a range of financial products and services; and expand product offering to build financial security.
Celebrating its first anniversary on International Women’s Day, RISE is expanding its membership to accelerate its gender equality mission.
2023 has been an inspirational year from launch to integration to innovation. Read our Annual Report to learn about our work, impact and activities!
In Cambodia, where only 33% of adults have a bank account (World Bank Global Findex 2021) and 85% of garment workers are women, many garment sector wages continue to be paid in cash. To better understand the opportunity for wage digitization in Cambodia, IFC partnered with BSR’s HERproject, under the IFC/ILO Better Work partnership, and in collaboration with Microfinance Opportunities. We studied the opportunities and challenges to digitize Cambodia’s garment factory wages through interviews and surveys with over 400 workers and managers from more than 100 factories. Half of the factories we selected to interview pay workers digitally and the other half pay workers in cash.
HERessentials, a tablet-based learning app for workers and managers, started as a response to the COVID-19 crisis, but it has the potential to build digital capabilities for all workers. We share three key recommendations for businesses considering how to set up digital training in supply chains.
Digitizing wages in Cambodia’s garment sector has the potential to drive efficiency in the supply chain, while bringing large numbers of unbanked workers, especially women, into the formal financial system. This blog details research by HERproject and IFC, under the ILO/IFC Better Work partnership, in close collaboration with Better Factories Cambodia and Microfinance Opportunities.