SMART saving towards building a house
Linh works in Quality Assurance in South Vietnam, and was a peer educator for the RISE Financial Health program. Linh, 31, has worked at the factory for eight years and lives with her parents, brother, and sister.
- Vietnam

Changing to a ‘savings first’ mindset
Het, 27, is a team leader on a garment production line at the Mekong Fashion Garment Factory in Dong Nai Province in Vietnam. She has worked at the factory for six years and lives close by with her husband and four-year-old daughter.
- Vietnam

Managing money better for the future
Fatma is 26 years old, and single. She has worked at the factory for eight years in the packing department.
- Egypt

Growing in confidence using digital money
Basma, is a 28-year-old garment worker living in Port Said with her husband, Mohammed, and their three children. Basma has worked in a cutting department for 10 years and was promoted to supervisor in 2021. Her husband has a small business buying and selling clothes.
- Egypt

Greater convenience with digital wages
Huy is 31 years old and she has one child. She lives in Phnom Penh, near the garment factory, where she’s worked for four years as a line leader in quality control.
- Cambodia

Saving for daughter’s education with digital wages
Champi is 24 years old and married, with one daughter, aged three. She lives in Phnom Penh near the garment factory where she’s worked for seven years, currently as a cutter.
- Cambodia